10 Forex Apps to Buy and Sell Currencies from Your Smartphone
Investing in the various financial markets is becoming increasingly connected to new technologies. As an alternative method to the telephone investments, the powerful introduction of mobile devices in our society has favoured the proliferation of forex apps dedicated to controlling the investments we make both in the stock market and in the currency markets.
Every day, both individuals and businesses dedicated to trading, are creating applications built for the world of online investment. The ease of controlling everything from the same mobile device, be it a phone or a tablet, is one of the keys to the success of these online platforms.
In addition to being an easy and comfortable way to consult all the forex results instantly, they also allow trading in currencies and commodities through very intuitive tools.
However, although investment in the foreign exchange market by telephone is still one of the most widespread formulas according to experts, one way to track capital assigned to these actions is through the following range of applications.
All of them can be downloaded for free in the different official app stores for devices with iOS and Android operating systems.
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These are the 10 forex apps to trade from your smartphone:
YouTrade FX MT4
The Trading Meta Trader 4 app is the most popular and well-known investment platform among professionals in the sector. Through this forex application, the user can invest online, control their account, place positions, use more than 30 technical indicators or operate directly from charts, all from anywhere with an Internet connection.
It offers the possibility of being downloaded to any device with an Internet connection, being able to have all of them interconnected to investments. In this way the trader will have full access to the currency market from anywhere. This feature gives you absolute mobility, easy on-screen consultation, as well as access to comprehensive expert reports.
FxPro iTrader
This one has the ability to manage “on the go” portfolios. FxPro allows you to access and operate all major tradable instruments, including Forex and CFDs on stocks, precious metals, commodities and indices.
With this app, the user will be able to follow their trading account in real time, place orders in the market, access news and always be well informed about the movements of the different currencies that operate in the market. In addition, it has a large and updated volume of charts that analyse their situation in detail.
GCI Financial
It offers its users the possibility of investing from their phone, as well as placing, modifying and cancelling investment orders, finding out about current quotes and opening positions. The investment phone application is available as a WAP, a format offered by most mobile phones, and as an i-Mode application, better known in Japan.
Market iTrader
Offers immediate access to global financial markets. Users can, through the technology it offers, access the online market and place entry / exit orders, modify and close positions, view charts and even operate with them.
It offers the possibility of investing in global markets in a simple way. Through its different functions, the investor will be able to access different financial markets in real time and invest according to their investment objectives, being aware of the latest market movements.
Forex On the Go
This service can be used with any broker that has MT4. As in the rest of the applications offered, you can see live quotes and charts from your mobile or tablet device.
Easy Forex
This app gives you immediate access to the Forex market where you can analyse charts in real time, observe the economic calendar with the main economic publications and access daily and weekly reports from wherever you are. Access your account from anywhere in the world and issue reports, close and open positions, and carry out all kinds of operations with a single click.
AVA Mobile Trader
It is an application developed to allow the user to be connected to the forex market 24 hours a day. You can place, modify and close positions, see quotes online, check your balance with immediate access from any device.
Learning is the key to profit
The only way to start making profits in forex is learning the ins and outs of the foreign exchange market from the great professionals, traders and advisers who invest every day.
Operating in any speculative market without having a solid base, according to experts, is one of the main causes of failure in the investments of small savers, who often base their decisions on hunches or sneak peaks rather than learning to understand the operation of markets.
Let Acorn 2 Oak connect you to the very best Apps providers currently available. Get up to 4 FREE quotes from high-quality Apps providers in just a few clicks