I have a question for you.
If I came to you with a proposition asking you to choose between one of two options, which choice would you opt for?
The options are:
1. For 30 consecutive days, I would give you 1 million dollars every day.
2. On day one, I would present you with 10 cents, and for the following 29 days, I would give you twice as much money as the previous day. So, day two, 20 cents, day three, 40 cents, etc.
To save you time working it out, I have provided the answer below.
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How To Double Your Money Every Year

As you can see from the illustration, if you had opted for option 2, you would have ended up with a massive 77,374,182 more than option 1.
This is just a little demonstration of the power of “doubling up”.
The problem is HOW to double your money every year! Obviously a bank deposit account won’t do it. Stocks and shares could do it but you have to know what you are doing.
Well, a managed forex trading account will enable you to make a 100% increase every year. The great thing about this particular investment vehicle is that you don’t have to be hands-on. The traders do all the work for you. Your “job” is to do what you want to do and let the money roll in.
The example image below shows how much you could potentially make if you started with 10,000, had a 10% return per month and performance fees were 35%.

I have explained this to hundreds of people, and I get the same expressions and retorts nearly every time. Disbelief, scepticism, cynicism, doubt, distrust and suspicion.
Nevertheless, do you know what? Now I just think, “Your Loss”. If you want to struggle, that’s your prerogative. I understand all those emotions and that everyone thinks that it is too good to be true. I am a member of a service that trades my forex account for me, and I know the reality because I see my account building up. I wish I could be more helpful and encouraging to others to take the leap of faith, but it takes a certain type of person to welcome undiscovered territory.
Please, read the rest of this blog if you like, but here are a few brief facts about managed forex services.
► Trading groups utilise the Forex Spot market (currencies) as their dealing mechanism.
► More than 5 trillion (5,000,000,000,000) dollars is traded every day in the Forex market, 40 times larger than the US stock market.
► Managed fx trading companies are comparable to traders on Wall Street that trade tranches of $10 to $100 million dollars.
► They should be registered and controlled by organisations like the Securities and Exchange Commission, and they have to have their trading practices audited separately.
► Money can be deposited and withdrawn at no cost by investors at any time.
► Traders have a restricted power of attorney solely to enable them to place the trades for investors.
► Trading platforms that the managed forex groups use can be downloaded onto the investors’ personal computer in read-only mode so that they can get reports, see balances etc.
► An email is sent out at the end of a trading day detailing the trades.
However, the real way to amass great wealth is to leave profits untouched in the account to compound so that they can be used to make even greater profits.
Knowing how to double your money every year with a managed forex trading account is a wonderful feeling. Profits can be taken out as the investor wants so it is an ideal investment for those who would like a monthly income, such as retirees and pensioners.
To compare cutting edge double your money providers with an easy-to-use interface, fill in your details in our enquiry form, and we will get back at you with up to 4 FREE quotes for you to assess and review