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On this page, we present you with Walker Capital’s detailed look. For more reviews, visit our main forex managed account providers page here.
Walker Capital is a managed forex account company that operates “a boutique investment service utilising the expertise of professional traders.” They are offering two types of management – swing strategy portfolio and alternative investments portfolio.
This review aims to help you form a balanced and informed decision, whether Walker Capital services are suitable for you.
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Walker Capital Overview
Walker Capital is based in Sydney, Australia. The company provides full contact details, including postal address and phone number, distinguishing them from other companies in the field who usually hide information like this.
Furthermore, Walker Capital put some faces behind their words about a “team of high-educated, experienced professionals”. On the About Us page, we are introduced to Michael Walker, the Investment Manager and Head Trader of the company, Michael Campbell, and investment specialists.
Walker Capital points out several benefits of their services. We learn from their website that investors working with them can benefit from traders’ skills and knowledge with solid experience in the financial markets. They base their company’s philosophy on two pillars – transparency and security of funds.
The promise provides the security that clients’ funds will be held in an external trust account belonging to an Australian bank.
The transparency is ensured by the constant access that clients can have to their accounts.
As these are essential and beneficial features, they are pretty standard for companies offering managed account services.
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Walker Capital Trading Strategies
According to the Walker Capital website, they have two strategies – swing trading and alternative fund.
The swing strategy includes a portfolio of major currencies USD, EUR, JPY GBP, CHF, minor currencies AUD, CAD, NZD and some limited exotic currency pairs. The minimum investment is 500 000 AUD (around 390 000 USD), and there are a 2.2% Management Fee and 22% performance fee.
Additionally, Walker Capital sheds some light on how they developed their trading strategy. We learn that it is based on fundamentals and technical analysis, which involves Fibonacci and trend lines.
The second strategy offered by Walker Capital is called Alternative Funds. According to the company’s website, this is an investment methodology to produce returns across various asset classes.
“The fund aims to yield high dividends for its unit holders whilst also achieving capital growth is rising and falling markets.” The minimum investment for the Alternative Funds is 50,000 USD.
Walker Capital Performance Results
The only performance results displayed by the company are of their Swing Strategy. However, the results, as is written on the website, have only information purposes and don’t represent an actual investment.
According to this data, the monthly returns of the strategy varies significantly, with the highest being +6.08 % (December 2018) and +5.95% (January 2021) and the lowest -2.15% (October 2019) and -1.61% (February 2020).
Walker Capital, is it a scam?
No. The company is registered as a Corporate Authorised Representative and holds an Australian Financial Services Licence.
Walker Capital’s website is professionally designed and developed. We appreciate the information the company provides about themselves and their journey.
However, the only customer testimonials we found out were from 2019, and it wasn’t very positive. Naturally, many things can change within two years. Still, we’d like to see more of their audit performance results before concluding an opinion about their service.
► Informative website
► Not enough verified trading results
► Lack of customer feedback
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